The Hermit Yod
Teth to the Tree Kaph

Yod (י)

Yod, the twentieth path, connects Chesed and Tiphareth. It is the character "Y", "I", or "J".

Yod is one of the twelve simple letters, which represent astrological signs. The simple letters are secondary directions, the edges of the box, connecting its faces. Its attributions are:

Directionnorth below
Number י‎ = 10
MeaningHand[1] (the creative force; sperm)
Tarot trumpThe Hermit
Yetsiratic Attribution[2] Intelligence of Will (consciousness of will, Sekhel HaRatzon, שכל הרצון), because it is the means of preparation of all and each created being, and by this intelligence the existence of the Primordial Wisdom becomes known.

Yod is the source of the Alef-Bet. There is a saying: G-d gave man the Yod; the rest he had to invent for himself.

As the first letter of the Tetragrammaton, Yod represent Ain (Negativity), the ineffable Source from which the Light springs. It is the place where what is willed must be, the active, generative, principle whose Will is to bestow and which cannot be apprehended unless it is contained, limited, by Ain Soph. It is the Infinite, that which cannot be comprehended except through apprehending that which it is Not. It is the ultimate void, the Platonic ideal of Zero.[3] Modern quantum gravitational theory has shown us this Yod, this Ain: it is the space between two energy states of the electron, a distance that must be bridged but which cannot be apprehended by any experiment of our devising.

YHV About the Tetragrammaton: I personally find it interesting to contemplate the arrangment of the letters of the Tetragrammaton on the Tree. It is of course entirely an accident (or is it?) based on the ordering of the Hebrew alphabet and the pattern used to lay the letters on the paths, but they form a triangle between Chesed, Tiphareth, and Chokmah: Chesed -> Tiphareth (Yod), Chokmah -> Tiphareth (Heh), Chokmah -> Chesed (Vau). Mercy, Wisdom, Beauty. Thus, along with the ascending and descending triads that we are normally taught to find in the Tree, there is this fourth triad whose existence we only discover here, in this chance arrangement of the paths and the letters.

That is true only in Hermetic Qabalah. The Ari and the Gra teach different arrangements of the letters for their Kabbalah. For them, ה and ו radiate from Kether, which thus associates with י, and the Divine Name thus illuminates the Supernal Triad.

[1]יד, Yad, means hand.
[2]From the 32 Paths of Wisdom, often printed as an appendix to Sepher Yetzirah. However, see this article for additional (and contradictory) information on these Paths.
[3]Which thing, we might note, the Greeks feared so much that they refused to postulate it.
[1]יד, Yad, means hand.
[2]From the 32 Paths of Wisdom, often printed as an appendix to Sepher Yetzirah. However, see this article for additional (and contradictory) information on these Paths.
[3]Which thing, we might note, the Greeks feared so much that they refused to postulate it.
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