The Gaon of Vilna, also called the Gra (an acronym of
Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu
), was an 18th Century kabbalist and Talmudic scholar. His layout of the Tree sets out the thirty-two paths as shown here. In this picture, you can see —
The assignations shown for each letter in this diagram are not the same as the ones shown elsewhere on this site. This is a different interpretation than the one commonly used today. There is, moreover another layout yet: the older Ari tree. Gra and Ari agree in some things, disagree in most regarding the placement of letters on the Paths. The Ari layout is the one most commonly expounded in writings about Sepher Yetzirah and the Bahir.
[KTR] Kether, Crown
[XKMH] Chokmah, Wisdom
[BYNH] Binah, Understanding
[XSD] Chesed, Mercy
[GBVRH] Geburah, Strength
[TPART] Tiphareth, Beauty
[NCX] Netzach, Victory
[HVD] Hod, Splendor
[YSVD] Yesod, Foundation
[MLKVT] Malkuth, Kingdom