Queen of Wands | Cups | Swords | Disks
Qabalistically, the Queens are the first He in יהוה, corresponding to the Sephirah Binah and to the second world, Briah. In this, they are the purest essence of the passive or receptive principle: Binah is the topmost Sephirah in the pillar of Severity, the first of the receptive principles and the last of the Supernals, the gateway to the next level of creation -- its birthplace. Queens is also the gateway to Brooklyn, but that's a different level of creation, and not our department.
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The following text is from Crowley's Book of Thoth.
The Queens represent the letter Heh of the Name.[1] They are the complements of the Knights. They receive, ferment, and transmit the original Energy of their Knight. Quick to receive that Energy, they are also fitted to endure for the period of their function; but they are not the final product. They represent the second stage in the process of creation whose fourth and last state is material realization. They are represented as seated upon thrones. This emphasizes the fact that they are appointed to exercise definite functions.